Looking at the journalingprompts.com site for ideas, I came across one that stood out to me. Because it is so often on my mind, the prompt for the "Friday" section about listing who I was in the past compared to who I am now is something I can speak easily about.
I do give this quite a bit of thought, maybe because I want to "get to know my (old) self" or maybe because it is something I have not yet gotten over.
Who I am in the past is extremely different than who I am now. Especially as a child. But I think every child is different than their adult person.
My focus as an early-mid teenager was on school, mostly. Then after schooling was taken care of, my focus was on band. After band, it was of my friend Michael*. Michael and I were great friends, I looked up to him, he and I were best friends. Together, we had a focus on filming and learning about film production.
As we grew older, we naturally grew apart. His interests evolved to karate, card games, and acting immature. My interests remained in filming, movies, and observing. Not only did our interests influence our change of friendship, but the way Michael grew up to be-his attitude, his personality-was non-complimentary to mine.
To say the least, I was several years ahead of Michael in maturity.
I was a happy, sweet, caring person. As I grew older, the more rude, non loyal people I met, the more my heart grew bitter. The old me danced around, was happy, and responsible. I grew older and I became depressed. Not only because of this mental depression, but because of the hurt I had experienced in my life.
There are some things I miss about the old me, but there are some things about the new me that I am thankful for.
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