Know Your Audience Analysis
I believe my audience as a whole is playful ("do some boxing with kangaroos" said Caylan Marsh) and very self assured (several classmates said that if given the chance to switch places with anyone else, they would choose to stay who they are- I think that's very cool!), and that my audience is imaginative (questions of genies, dreams, and being shrunk down to miniature sizes and answers of traveling the globe, having a clone, and dreaming of becoming a cowboy).
I believe my audience is touching (wanting to turn back time to say sorry to a deceased mother) and with several different and broad answers, I believe my audience is smart, thoughtful, and that they would love to debate if this class were a seated class.
Opinionated answers of religion and why it is a topic not highly talked about bring me to believe that once given the opportunity, my classmates would like to open up and state their beliefs if we were a face-to-face class.
I think that with this analysis I have of our class, I will be keeping all of my assumptions in the back of my mind while writing. Who will I be writing for? What might keep them entertained throughout my paper? What will grab their attention and yank them into my paper so they will want to read it? I will be targeting my audience on a personal level (several people spoke of seeing the world, so why not have an attention grabber that focuses the senses on a beautiful, foreign place?) as well as an educational level.
In the audience answers and questions, I expected each question to be different, as it was a requirement. However, what was not expected was the personal answers given (such as the one of the deceased mother).
Good analysis and application. Keep practicing working with text - it will help you through most all of your assignments this semester. Good work. ~Ms. A.