Yesterday was my first time using the BIC Soleil Savvy razor that I received in my BzzKit. What this BzzKit included was one (1) BIC Soleil Savvy Razor package: one (1) handle and four (4) disposable cartridges, a BzzGuide, coupons, and a letter filling me in on this campaign.
BIC Soleil Savvy |
There are several things that I liked about this razor and a few that I did not like.The BIC Soleil Savvy package has a retail value of $7.49 and that includes one handle and four cartridges. Both the handle and the cartridges are disposable. When all four cartridges are used, just throw away the handle and buy a new package. This is convenient, but can also be wasteful when compared to regular cartridge systems that do not have a disposable handle (where just the cartridges are disposable).
Razor Cartridges |
Compared with my previous razors, the $7.49 is quite a value. My previous razor was a disposable cartridge system (but not a disposable handle). For the cartridges -- I believe four came in them -- it cost around $15. For about half the price, I can get a new disposable handle and four disposable cartridges. Which is a great deal!
However, I do not know yet if I will be switching out my previous razor for the BIC Soleil Savvy razor because of mainly one reason: the pivoting head has little range. The BIC Soleil Savvy razor package says that it "hugs" women's curves. But there were several curves on my legs that the razor did not hug. My previous razor pivoted in a wide range and hugged all of my curves. The BIC Soleil Savvy razor head pivots very little. This is one big dislike I have with the razor.
Onto the handle. The handle is very comfortable and one of my favorite handles I have felt/used before. It is big, easy to hold, and comfortable. There are rubber grips to have a better grip on the handle itself. I like the girly glittery color of the handle, too.
I did notice there was a rattling coming from the top part of the handle where the cartridges click into place. Other than that, the razor cartridge refills and the handle seem durable.
Clicking in the cartridge refill onto the handle was a little difficult at first, but I finally got the hang of it. The BIC Soleil Savvy razor refills do not click on as easily as my previous razors, however, and is another dislike I have.
The razor refills have three (3) blades and moisturizing strips. I wish that it was four (4) blades and not just three. This was another small dislike I had when using the razor.
Coupons I received in BzzKit |
*BzzAgent is a word-of-mouth program. Everything that I received in my BzzKit was absolutely free to me, sent to me from BzzAgent to review & spread word of mouth about the product. Sign up at
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