Friday, September 16, 2011

Soap Opera Drama

September 16th, 2011
(edited because I forgot the date)

"Why do we watch them? Make fun of soap operas with a piece of writing."

At the same time as laughing at how dramatic and silly the soaps can be, I am a little intrigued, to be honest. Why am I laughing at dramatic-ness of the soap? Well, because it seems a bit much. It seems like some of the soaps out there can mimic high school with all the drama they instil. When I want to watch a T.V. Show, I don't want to be caught up in some drama that takes a whole season to settle. It just is not my mindless-T.V. type of show. Don't get me wrong: sometimes, the soaps can be fascinating. "Wow, look at how much lip gloss they managed to put on her lips" or "who in real life dresses up so fancy just to go get a coffee?"- at least.. I don't.
Some of the stories presented on the soap operas are interesting to me, but I don't find the time to catch each and every episode for weeks just to find out the end of what spiked my interest in the first place (I will never know what happened to the lady who was stuck inside a coffin, I believe it was).

My mom, on the other hand, loves soap operas and used to watch them every single day. So maybe I should ask her what ever happened to the lady in the coffin? Maybe she would know.

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