Monday, October 3, 2011

Dear You

I decided to write a letter to someone in my past, given the idea from
If I were to write a letter to this someone, I might write it like this:

Dear You,
You were only in my life for a short while - and if I live to be 100, a very short while - but your impact on me was big and lasting. I had no intentions of you and I ever meeting face-to-face, but your suggestion got us there and surprised me, to be honest. You and I are extreme opposites and I would have never guessed we would have been friends. Our introduction was exciting, though. You and I were both shy. I felt like I was the one having to do most of the talking and even when I nudged you to talk more, you didn't. You had manners, though, which drew me to you. You could be nice, yet so mean at the same time. Your actions could prove you were nice, yet your harsh words and truths would cut deep down. I was mislead, though. Your true colors came out when the going got tough in our friendship. When I was seeking out for a helping hand, you retracted yours and gave up on me. Now that, my dear, is not a friend. That is a false friend and that is one of the reasons why I am glad you were only in my life a short time. Your who-cares attitude, your look, your witty comments are what sucked me back in time and time again, even after being stood up by you once. Told to calm down another. And by being ignored once again. It was those times that I slap myself for trying to restart what was already burned out: our friendship. I don't know why you strung me along. Maybe I was some past-time you used when you were bored. Or maybe you actually wanted to be friends (though you didn't show it). I still wonder about you and honestly, I hope that you found happiness. But on the other hand, I hope someone you care about gives you the same blow off you gave me. Karma. That would be a great slap in the face for you, now wouldn't it?!


October 3rd,2011

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